Your Carbon Reality – Precisely Measured, Smartly Reduced

Understanding your carbon footprint shouldn’t be a game of guesses or require a Masters degree. We’re here for you small business heroes, offering wallet-friendly carbon audits and reduction plans that are anchored in accuracy, not mere estimates.

You get a crystal-clear view of your footprint today, and real, actionable ways to cut your carbon, ensuring you hit those all important targets.


img What is a carbon footprint?

Our world is in crisis. The science is very clear that we need to rapidly drive down our greenhouse gas emissions in response. We can all focus on reducing our ‘CO2e’ impact’ - a measure for those emissions. Scientists have worked out a sound methodology. All you need to know is it’s an effective measure - and simple enough to monitor.

img Why do a carbon audit?

Each day our activities cause Co2e to be emitted, contributing to climate change. If we want to get to net zero, we must start with understanding our footprint. Our carbon audits help you build a picture of your carbon impacts, showing you where to focus your reduction efforts, allowing you to offset your emissions and become carbon neutral.

Driving Carbon Reduction with Transformative Small Businesses

Scottish Mountaineering
The Conduit

What do we do?

We help you measure, reduce and offset your emissions.

We offer straightforward solutions to fight the climate crisis, from restoring and protecting our forests to technical carbon removal solutions. We work with partners on select projects that make a real difference through eco-restoration initiatives, alongside carbon removal projects to help the world get off fossil fuels.

Our process arrow icon

Our process


01 Coaching

We’ll coach you to understand your carbon footprint and help you to create your action plan


02 Calculations

Calculating the emissions with each activity in the business


03 Solutions

Select projects that make a real difference through eco-restoration initiatives


04 Sharing

We’ll help you share your sustainability journey with an easy-to-view carbon profile

part of the solution

Your very own carbon profile

Our Carbon accountants are experts at understanding the impacts and emissions of your business. Our team create a detailed carbon report covering all areas of your footprint.
Whether you’re a small business, social enterprise, charity wanting to get a grip on your carbon footprint - and drive real impact and reduce your carbon - Our Carbon profiles are a powerful way to understand your footprint and share your story.

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Liquona Video Production Agency

  We engaged experts at Our Carbon to look at all aspects of our business and conduct a carbon audit. This created a picture of our direct impact in tonnes of Co2e. We were able to offset our emissions, and our carbon accounts now show the status of net carbon negative!

See full story


who we are

Experts in our field

Our Carbon coaches are ISO 14064:1 certified with training from the leading provider in the UK. The ISO standard is in alignment with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and therefore a recognised basis of preparation for organisations carbon emissions.

Our Carbon have the expertise and experience to enable you to account for and achieve your net zero targets. We are partnered with Tech Zero as a preferred partner for carbon accounting, planning and reduction services.

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Ready to start your carbon reduction path?

Book a personalised 15 minute chat with us to discuss your goals

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